Westside: Scuppernongs and Quonset Hut

by Tim Gilmore, 6/22/2012

Scuppernongs, Quonset Hut, Boats Rotting in the Woods, Dirt Roads: Parrish Cemetery Road and Sarocca Lane, Rural Westside

Cason Vineyards’ muscadine vines are “U-Pick.” From which, muscadine wine.

The muscadine grape is big and very round. It’s tart. It’s full of hard seeds. Its skin is tough and chewy.

The silver amber-green muscadine is a scuppernong.

At the side of the road, in these dark woods, beneath the trees, overgrown with fungus and with weeds, three boats have rusted here so long the ground has risen up around their hulls. Old cars without wheels and a short Type-A school bus deteriorate in the soil and the woodbine vines that cover them. Wooden beehives sit interspersed among the vehicles and rot.

Between this junkscape in the trees and the grapevines is a wide-open Quonset hut full of refrigerators and chairs and motors.

Down Normandy Boulevard from Parrish Cemetery, the Confederate flag that points up from the chain-link fence across the road from “Gwyns Farm Goats Ducks Chickens” is in tatters, but three other Confederate flags billow nearby.