Pecan Park Flea Market and Beer Pond

by Tim Gilmore, 7/1/2012

Third-world free trade.

“Welcome to Beer Pond.”

Man with a bushy mustache selling Miller Light from a cooler in a metal trailer marked with teal signage.

Inflated beer bottle twice the height of the chain-link fence.

Long and winding open-air barn-shaped marketplace, metal roof.

Vendors busily straighten already-straight stacks of compact discs and DVDs.

Into the market, penetrating a membrane protecting a further interior, sanctum sanctorum, then wary eyes in round red faces.

The sign by the seller of knives says he’s not responsible if “interested buyers” cut themselves.

Rusted tools, cracked rocking chairs, stacks of plastic jack-o-lanterns, cowboy hats, and socks.

Handwritten business cards.