Roosevelt Mall, Roosevelt Boulevard 1

by Tim Gilmore, 7/17/2012

The time in front of the K-Mart Department Store on Blanding Boulevard when he had pointed at the blind man ringing the Salvation Army bell for donations at Christmastime and said, “Mama, look, that man ain’t got no eyes!” did not shame him like the time the black couple and their infant son set themselves at table in Morrison’s Cafeteria, late 1970s in Roosevelt Mall, demolished in the 1980s? early 1990s?, and he said, “Mama, Daddy, look, there’s some niggers!” Except that elsewhere, he’d so remembered it as being at S&S Cafeteria at Wilson and Blanding Boulevards. The memory floated. Only the shame remained. Even if it was at Roosevelt that his mother so loved the square dancing.